
My Brilliant Friend: An Ingenious Travel Accessory for Just $5

Muji S Shape Travel Hook

Annie recently spotted an ingenious travel accessory that all germaphobes and organization freaks may want to consider. At first glance, it appears to be a key ring. But with a flip and a swivel, the key ring turns into an all-powerful S hook. Attach it to your tote or keep one in your purse, and where there’s a ledge or rail, you’ll always have a means to keep your coat or bag off the floor.

Above: The S-Shape Travel Hook from Muji has a diameter of 5 centimeters when closed.
Muji S Shape Travel Hook
Above: It’s made of resin and comes in four colors—black, white, yellow, and blue.
Muji S Shape Travel Hook
Above: The S Shape Travel Hook is just $5 at Muji.

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