I edit a site called The Organized Home (you may have heard of it), so it’s entirely understandable if you were to assume that I’d be obsessively structured and compulsively neat. You’d be wrong, though. I like to keep a tidy home, yes, but behind doors and inside drawers lurk messes that I hope never see the light of day. That said, I am highly organized when it comes to the paperwork that streams in through my door—catalogs, bills, permission slips, report cards, etc.—thanks to a robust folder system. I have a folder for my kid-related paperwork (each kid gets a pocketed side), as well as a folder for art and schoolwork that I’m saving to trot out at their 30th birthday parties. I have another folder for my own paperwork and bills that need future attention. And then there’s the folder I like to call “To Be Filed One Day in the Faraway Future in My Desk that I Never Use in the Upstairs Office that I Never Go to.”
Which leads me to my problem. I currently house those folders on my dining room table—ideal because it’s centrally located and not ideal, because, well, it’s in the dining room. I’ve lately been thinking about mounting one of those wall-mounted metal file holders you see next to exam rooms at the doctor’s office. They have an minimalist, office-chic look, and they’d keep the folders off the table. Win-win.
Here are eight I like:

For more wall storage inspiration, check out:
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