And this is why you should consider hiring an architect for your remodeling project. For a kitchen renovation in Oakland, California, architect Jerome Buttrick, of Buttrick Projects, came up with a rather ingenious solution to the unsightly and space-hogging drying rack: He had a custom sink created for his client that included a draining board right behind the faucet.

“With the drainboard behind the sink, counter space is freed up and the drainboard is out of the way—a double win!” he says. He suggests contacting a nearby sheet metal fabricator if you’re interested in commissioning something similar yourself.

N.B.: This post is an update; it was first published March 20, 2018.
- To see more of this kitchen, go to The Architect Is In: Jerome Buttrick Talks Kitchen Design.
- To read more kitchen renovation tips from Buttrick, go to Expert Advice: An Architect’s 15 Essential Tips for Designing the Kitchen.
- To learn another kitchen storage hack, see Aha! Hack: Tension Rod as Paper Towel Holder.
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